Postcards from Krung Thep Mahanakhon

The pinnacles of Grand Palace, shows magnificent works of classic art.

I always rely on my digital cameras and iPhone for documenting my journey. As they are versatile, simple and easy for me to share the results, online! But one day, I was so bored with them. There was no challenge left, since they’re so instant and became predictable.

Then, I encouraged myself to utilize my analog camera when I visited Bangkok for the second time. Nothing to lose, since I already known this city.

Me and my Rangefinder Camera, at Grand Palace Complex.

I used my Rangefinder camera –Yashica Electro 35 GSN with its fixed 45 mm lens-, and I exposed the beauty and the glitz of the City of Angels on my long-time-stored Kodak Portra 160 VC film.

I love to see the glamorous of Krung Thep Mahanakhon was captured perfectly in greenish vintage feel.

Glorious details of Grand Palace, from the bottom to the top.
Intricate five-heads Naga.
The golden guard figure at Grand Palace.
A line of sitting Budhas, at Wat Pho.
Astonishing artworks!
Thep Kinnaree, a beautiful being, half-woman half-swan that dances through the mythical Himmavanta forest. She is renowned for her excellence in singing, dancing and poetry. And become a traditional symbol of feminine beauty, grace and accomplishment.
Colorful roof tiles and details at Wat Pho.
A wing of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, in Dusit Palace Complex. It is the residence of many Royal Thai artworks. I often dropped my jaw when enjoyed the collections there. Magnificent!
A wing of Vimanmek Mansion. This palace is the largest teak building in the world. And was the residence of King Rama V and His Royal Family for five years prior to the completion of Amporn Satharn Villa.

Despite the presence of accidental light-leaks and soft-focus, I’m so happy with the results. And I think, I can count on my rangefinder camera in lieu of my digital gears.

A group of golden Budha figures.
Accidental light leak on the film. Still curious, why did it appear only on some middle-frames?

I printed and kept some of them in my postcard album. I think it’s been a long time, since the last time I went to the studio and curiously waited for some pictures. It was nice to experience that feeling again.

So, when was the last time you print your captures?

Postcards from Krung Thep Mahanakhon

Fun Facts:

  • Bangkok full ceremonial name is listed in Guinnes World Records as the world’s longest place name.
  • It is: Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Phiman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit.
  • Composed of Pali and Sanskrit root words, and translated as: City of Angels, The Great City, The Residence of the Emerald Buddha, The Impregnable City (of Ayutthaya) of God Indra, The Grand Capital of the World endowed with Nine Precious Gems, The Happy City, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the Reincarnated God, a City given by God Indra and built by God Vishnu.

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a Globetrotter | a Certified Diver: PADI Advance Diver and AIDA** Pool Freediver | a Photography Enthusiast | a Laboratory Technician.

32 thoughts on “Postcards from Krung Thep Mahanakhon

  1. Wow, amazing pictures! They do look vintage, indeed, as if they were taken ten or fifteen years ago :)).
    I always want to visit Thailand, and witness those golden structures by myself :)). They look very beautiful and well-preserved, maybe because the royal family still live there? And even though the buildings there look traditional, the Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall looked like it is built with a taste of European architecture…
    Splendid pictures! I hope I could visit them someday :)).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your sincere compliment Gara 🙂

      Well, though the Grand Palace has so many mansions, actually the present King and His Royal Family do not live there anymore, but in Chitralada Palace. They only use the Grand Palace for the state and ritual ceremonies.

      Maybe, because there was a bad memory haunted them. The late King Rama VIII (the elder brother of present King Rama IX) was tragically murdered while sleeping at Boromphiman Hall. Up to now, this is still a sensitive issue to be discussed in Thailand.

      Someday, if you get a chance to visit Bangkok, please also visit the Vimanmek Mansion and Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, in Dusit Palace Complex. They lie a couple miles away, but really worth to be visited. Beside that, the tickets are attached with the Grand Palace one.

      Good luck 🙂


  2. Nice post!

    Pakai kamera analog kadang memang lebih menantang, dan ada unsur kejutan di baliknya, apakah foto yang diambil bakal bagus atau tidak, apakah moment yang telah lewat berhasil ditangkap atau tidak, dll. Tantangan ini yang kadang bikin fotografer lebih struggle. Makanya fotografer kawakan banyak lahir lewat analog, betul gak sih? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Terimakasih Badai.

      Dalam beberapa hal iya, fotografer dengan kamera analog dibatasi oleh jumlah frame film dan menghitung exposure yang tepat untuk dapat menghasilkan gambar yang pas ‘sesuai dengan harapan’. Belum lagi kalau harus mengambil moment-moment yang cepat kejadiannya.

      Hmmm sampai sejauh ini fotografer-fotografer kawakan memang kebanyakan lahir dari didikan analog. Tapi dengan semakin berkembangnya dunia digital, pasti suatu saat jumlahnya semakin kurang dalam perbandingan.

      Eh tapi memotret dengan film, memang mulai jadi trend lagi sekarang. Mau coba? 😉


  3. Ya ampun, ini semua diambil pakai analog? wah, gimana film processing-nya di Indonesia? Aku masih punya kamera analog cuman karena film processing-nya ribet banget, jadi ya menyerah lah ke digital 😀 Top banget 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iya mbak, semuanya, kecuali foto yang ada aku nya dan kompilasi hasil cetaknya 🙂

      Film processing nya di Indonesia, Alhamdulillah masih lumayan mudah. Kecuali untuk memproses film positif dan hitam putih. Tapi kebetulan aku punya beberapa teman yang main analog dan motret dengan film hitam putih, so kadang aku nitip sama mereka, dan sekarang lagi pengen belajar proses kamar gelap.

      Aku pikir malah di luar masih lebih gampang untuk film processing nya hehehe …

      Liked by 1 person

      1. wah asik bgt kalau sudah bisa darkroom processing 😊 Di Belanda yang aku tahu mesti dikirim ke Jerman dulu..prosesnya bisa satu mingguan sih…


  4. Absolutely beautiful images you have there! Sometimes it’s good to go “back to the basics” i.e. analog camera rather than digital, though I have never tried it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dulu aku sempet berpikiran bahwa fotografi seharusnya tanpa editan. Lalu aku baca tulisannya salah satu fotografi ternama yang menjelaskan bahwa pada zaman cuci cetak dulu, apalagi di ruang gelap dengan cairan kimia, justru sangat memainkan warna. Setelah baca itu aku berubah (*buka topeng*).

    Anyway, jadi inget perasaan waktu pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di area Grand Palace di Bangkok. Langsung ‘panik’ karena banyak banget sudut bangunan yang cantik dan fotogenik. 🙂


    1. Hehehe, betul banget. Kalau jaman sekarang ada Photoshop, Lightroom dan lain-lain. Maka pada jaman dulu mereka mengandalkan dark-room. Seru deh dodging burning nya, milih kertas dan menghitung waktu exposure untuk mendapatkan hasil cetak yang sempurna dan sebagainya.

      Hahaha, kayaknya sekali kunjungan gak cukup ya di sana. Dan pas udah balik trus liat foto-foto lain, baru nyadar kalau banyak spot yang belum kita lihat.

      Dirimu ngeh gak, kalau di Grand Palace ada miniatur dari Angkor Wat? Aku baru nemu pas di kunjungan ke dua 😀


      1. Yes, aku liat miniatur itu. Dan ada juga satu patung Budha dari Indonesia — siapa yang ngasih aku lupa. Nah, konon pemberian ini yang mendorong salah satu raja Thailand untuk memberikan patung gajah ke Indonesia, yang sekarang dipajang di depan Museum Nasional.


      2. O iyaa, patung Budha dari batu berwarna hitam itu, yang kontras di antara detail keemasan.

        Dan kebetulan banget soal patung gajah kecil yang kamu bahas, aku baruuu aja baca info itu dari blog nya Gara. Dan kamu ngasih info tambahan tentang sejarah pemberiannya. Terimakasih Bam 🙂


  6. Keren-keren hasilnya Bart 🙂
    Pake kamera analog lebih menantang & ga asal jepret, mungkin ini yang bikin lebih puas sama hasilnya ya.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Keren! jadi pingin mengkaryakan kembali kamera analog “minolta” warisan alm papa nih.. tapi sepertinya butuh overhaul service dulu sebelum in-action 😀

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